Braille Representation of Symbols

accented letters, non-Latin alphabets such as Chinese and Japanese; as well as music, mathematics, chess and scientific notations use Braille dots in creative ways

3D Large Print and Braille Signage

Valleys WordWorks is pleased to offer custom-designed 3D Braille and print signage, starting at £30. Think how many times a week you are in an unfamiliar building. How often do you find yourself glancing at room numbers or name plates to try and find your bearings? These clear and visible signs provide an important layer […]

How Chess and Chess Braille Can Level the Playing Field

The game of chess is both an ancient, exotic sport credited with teaching the art of war to sophisticated civilisations long before our own day; and a favourite way for primary-school teachers to fill in some time near the end of the year when energy is flagging and attention is waning. There are numerous health […]

Japanese Braille In Brief

So, how do you transcribe Braille into languages whose scripts are not letter-by-letter as we, who regularly communicate in English, know them? Let’s skip Cyrillic and Masoretic languages for the time being and leap right into East Asian scripts. Incomprehensible, right? Not necessarily! Once you work out which elements are important, in order to represent […]